Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Family Values???

Despite the endless propaganda about family values, these people don't practice what they preach. Sarah Palin came back to work 3 days after her 5th child was born. 3 days!!! who's taking care of the child? who do i, the common man, have, to take care of my child 3 days after birth so i can get back to my "real job"???
5 kids, one of them is pregnant out of wedlock. Would i blame the girl? hmmm, a little. Would i blame the parents for poor parenting? You betcha!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pro life???

The audacity of calling themselves pro life. The Republicans have sent thousands of US soldiers (and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians) to their deaths. They have not the least bit of hesitation to ravage pristine environments to satisfy their greed for money, killing all kinds of species in the process. They have steadfastly refused to provide any form universal health care, ending up with the deaths of several people too poor to feed the health "care" corporations.
The reality is that these people are pro-fetus or anti-abortion, and that's all.

what this blog's going to be

I sit and watch the presidential campaigns, feeling helpless, as the Republicans wield their most powerful weapon - one they have painstakingly honed over years of campaigning - negativity.
Sadly, at least one half of the country has already bought into their bullshit agenda of fear-mongering, holier-than-God positioning and just plain lies every step of the way.
This blog is an attempt to fight fire with fire - using exactly the same tactics against the republicans as they have been using against the country.
Disclaimer: i'm in no way affiliated to the Democratic party or their candidates (although my philosophy resonates with theirs for the most part); heck, i'm not even a US citizen, and hence, unfortunately, unable to vote (yet). Hence the views expressed herein are purely mine, and to the extent that they agree with you, the reader, they are yours.