Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Same Bullshit over and over and over...

McCain is old and senile. His hearing and possibly his comprehension is gone.
Obama has said over and over and over again - no new taxes or fines on small businesses earning under $250,000.
Doesn't get it. But i think past campaigns have proven that a lie repeated over and over and over again will ultimately become accepted as the truth - first by the sycophants around the guilty party, then, the people around those sycophants and so on and so forth.
So honestly, McCain and Palin are a disease. A disease that's trying to plague the nation. Talk about "saying anything to get elected" - that seems to be their motto.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

John Misrepresentation McCain

In the final debate before the elections, McCain continued his detestable trend of completely misrepresenting/lying about Obama's policies. Obama continued his trend of providing black and white answers refuting McCain's statements which was perhaps more noteworthy, because 4 years ago, Kerry mired himself in 4000 word answers that made sense to only the top 10% of the nation's intelligence).
The funniest thing was when McCain said, "I'm joe the plumber, and i will get fined for not providing the right healthcare", and Obama said, "here's what your fine will be - 0 dollars because you'll be making less than $250000!" McCain's face was worth watching at that point. And then McCain suddenly in an instant makes the same "Joe the plumber" rich, and says now you'll be taxed. here's a man who's desperate and clutching at non-existent straws.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

George Wallace and John McCain

Sample most of Palin's recent comments during his campaign, about Obama. This is not a legitimate calling to question of Obama's record - it is plain and simple, an incitement of hate. "we know who the bad guys are"?? Back in the days after 9/11, the bad guys were the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Osama. Now it's Obama?? because one of the guys that he worked with had committed violent acts when he was 8 years old?? That's like saying since George Wallace was such a pro-segregationist in his early years, anyone who worked with him after he changed his ways should be considered a pro-segregationist because he had once been that.
there is really nothing Palin contributes to this campaign. except hate and judgment.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Who is John McCain?

Really. Who is John McCain?
Church-going conservative? Don't think so. he's not anti-abortion. he doesn't carry the radical Churchian ideology that kills doctors offering abortion services, or bans stem-cell research.
Fiscal conservative? Not really. most of the GOP fiscal conservatives are up in arms against McCain's plan to make the government buy bad mortgages.
So what is he, really?

I won't even ask the same question of the VP nominee.

C'mon all you undecideds!

Do you guys not see the craziness at the McCain rallies? Not a single democrat would ever label a fellow senate member as unpatriotic/anti-American. Yet these republican bastards have not the least problem in leveling such accusations at Obama, thus rendering the common man who voted Obama in as a senator, as an untrustworthy/irrational individual.
There's a campaign built solely on lies and mud-slinging. Then there's Obama and Biden. Make the choice.

Idiotic rage on the republican campaign trail

Waukesha, WI sent its braindead/brainwashed/brainless folks to the McCain campaign couple of days ago. These idiots can't figure out why Obama is leading in the presidential polls.
They are concerned with the "concept" of having Obama be President. They are BLIND to the ruin that the current president and the GOP has brought to this country.
Could you be more stupid than that?